Saturday, January 7, 2012

Certificate in Genealogical Research

It has been a while since I last put a post in here as I have been busy working on gaining my Certificate in Genealogical Research with the Society of Australian Genealogists.  But that is all done now and I received a New Years 'present' in the form of notification that I have been awarded the Certificate and am eligible to go on to do their Diploma in Family Historical Studies if I should so wish.


  1. Congratulations, Jenny. That's a featheer in your cap.

  2. Congratulations. I have thought about enrolling for this certificate, did you enjoy it?

  3. Hi Aillin,

    Enjoy wouldn't have been a word I would have chosen. It was hard work and there was little feedback, so very little opportunity of learning and improving on what you do, which is very disappointing

